The second version of the TV/Radio schedules are available from the HOCKEY-L
archives.  However, I am missing the majority of the schools.  If you
have a schedule for any of these teams, let me know:
CCHA-all but Michigan and Michigan State
ECAC-Harvard, Brown, Dartmouth, Princeton, Yale, St. Larry, Colgate, Vermont
HE-all but Maine and Merrimack
WCHA-all but Denver, St. Cloud and Minnesota
IND-Army, Air Force
Any help appreciated.
              O     Mike Burger               Over 150 goals scored
######       _|     [log in to unmask]   Over 650 students taught
######      / |     Univ. of Michigan - 1990  Over 190 credits taken
######   ._/ / \    Colo. State Univ. - 1993  Over 3.6 MB disk space used