Tony Biscardi, in his BC-USA notes, wrote:
> On side notes, there was a mini-game (5 min) between the Jr. Eagles (BC) and
> the Jr. Terriers (BU) during the first intermission.  The score was 0-0 but
> we all loved it.  I must report that there was more hitting amongst these
> 8 year-olds than there had been in the entire 20 min 1st period of the "real"
> game.  Heather and Mike asked if the kids could keep playing and the Olymians
> and Eagles just come on and play during the kids' intermissions.
> I must say, the crowd was more excited and the competition more fierce amongst
> the little ones than the "real" ones dreamed of.  It was fun.
I have to second that opinion.  My son, who just turned nine, plays for the
Jr. Chiefs (UMass-Lowell) and the play is very spirited and entertaining.  I
think that this is one additional thing that puts hockey above other sports.
Unless you have a kid involved, Little League games are boring to the max, and
while youth football and basketball aren't as deadly as baseball, I can't
imagine many people being entertained by 8-9-10 years olds that they don't
know.  But hockey games, even at that young age, are as entertaining as it
gets!  Just goes to show that we are fans of the best sport, hands down.
BTW, they DO love to hit at that age.  My son unofficially owns first and
second place in early returns for Best Check of the Year (both HARD, clean
hits).  After his first-place hit, the coaches just said, "Wow!" but the
clincher came when a ref was next to the bench for a faceoff and said, "That
hit belongs on Don Cherry's Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Hockey."
* Dave Hendrickson                   [log in to unmask] *
*             A Hockey Get-A-Lifer and Proud Of It             *
* GO BROONS!!!      Go Red Wings!      Anyone but the Rangers. *
* GO UMASS-LOWELL!!!       Go Maine!!            Go BU!        *
* Do I like too many teams?  Hey, sue me.  I just love hockey. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Although I can't remember ever having an original thought,   *
* and am certainly parroting someone who actually has a brain, *
* these opinions are mine, not Hewlett-Packard's.              *