Today's _Cornell Daily Sun_ reports that the NC$$ has sentenced the Cornell
men's hockey program to the "death penalty" for violating NC$$ regulations
with the host family program.  The sanctions mean that Cornell will not
field a team until the year 2000.
This was the Sun's more-or-less annual joke issue, by the way.  Not bad.
Peripherally-related college hockey note:  The deadline for the HOCKEY-L
preseason poll is Monday, October 11 at midnight, so there's still time if
anyone else wants to send in a vote.  I've gotten a good number of responses
so far.
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and probably '94        |  [log in to unmask]
"So I was lying in bed with my girlfriend, and she said, 'If you could know
 how and when you were going to die, would you want to know?' -- and I said,
 'Nope,' and she said, 'Forget it, then.'"
-- Steven Wright