Mike writes:
>It is indeed Derek, which is kind of strange because I didn't think
>college players could go to camp and then go back to college (like
>major junior players do).  Then again, I believe they can now hire
>agents and negotiate pro contracts without losing eligibility, so
>maybe this has changed too.
According to a rule passed, I think, late in 1991, college players can
negotiate with pro teams and can resume their college careers in that sport
without losing any eligibility if they do not sign a pro contract.  However,
they still can't hire agents.
The thing is, though... I'm not 100% sure, but I think that professional
sports organizations have some kind of rule stating that rookies cannot be
in training camp unless they have signed a contract (a bone tossed to the
players' unions, I believe).  Obviously, if that's true and if Herlofsky and
Saurdiff are in camp, it would mean they've signed and forfeited their
college eligibility.
Bill Fenwick
Cornell '86 and probably '94
In honor of Charles M. Schulz's induction into the US Hockey Hall of Fame:
"Well, we lost the first game of the season again.
 I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does.
 We always seem to lose the first game of the season and the last game of the
-- Charlie Brown, in "Peanuts"