RPI Engineer Hockey can now be heard on Teamline(tm).
Following a trend that many schools have gone, you can now hear the live
WRPI broadcast of all Engineer games by calling an 800 number and using
your credit card.
So if you live in California and want to know how the Engineers are doing,
call it up, and you can find out scores and other good facts.
If you are further interested, email me and when I get all of the info,
I'll send it to you.
Besides, you can hear our lovely voices :)
*  Jayson Moy                   *  One of the Voices of Rensselaer Engineer *
*  [log in to unmask]                 *  Hockey, Baseball, and Football on        *
*  [log in to unmask]      *  91.5FM  WRPI, Troy                       *