John Haeussler's compilation of former collegians in the
        NHL led me to wonder about a former Wisconsin player who
        no longer appears on an NHL roster.  Does anyone know of
        the whereabouts now of Steve Tuttle, UW class of 1988?  He
        played on a line with Tony Granato and Paul Ranheim at UW,
        and then went on to play at least two seasons with St. Louis,
        but I've lost track of his career.  Any clues anyone?
        Tuttle was a fine player at Wisconsin, and showed some promise
        as a penalty killer in the NHL.  Perhaps his most noteworthy
        moment as a professional, however, was rather infamous.  It was
        his skate that severed the jugular vein in the neck of the
        Sabres goalie back a few years ago, almost killing the
        netminder.  The incident was, of course, entirely accidental.
        In fact, Tuttle had a reputation in the WCHA of being among
        the cleanest and most sportsmanlike players in the league.
        I'd appreciate an update on him from anyone on the list.
        Jim Farrell
        University of New Hampshire