The broadmoor hotel has announced they will be tearing down the world
arena next spring.  The arena has a long and famous history that i'll
leave to someone from The Colorado College to describe.  This does
raise the question of where the CC tiers will play after next season.
1.  A civic arena built with tax dollars
    (this seems unlikely given the conservative climate of the city
    and the anti-tax mood of the citizens)
2.  The broadmoor constructing an arena off site.
    (there doesn't seem to be any motivation for them to do this
    they have announced more hotel space at the current arena site)
3.  A privately funded Commercial arena. (this seems the most likely
    although nobody wants to do this because of the financial risk)
4.  Play at an existing arena
    A) Honnen rink on the CC campus stands under 500
    B) Pa Sertich Rink in City Park has been used in the past when the
       figure skaters needed the broadmoor, but i believe the capacity
       is well under the 2000 or so of the world arena.
    C) Play at Air Force Academy Field House (i'd love this because of
       the convenience, but that slab of ice is already highly spoken
       for and the academy isn't really into long term commitments to
       outsiders for their facilities
5.  Play out of town in either Denver or Pueblo. (this would be a
6.  Giving up the sport. (Unlikely with the recent hiring of Don
    Luccia away from Alaska)
I'd love to hear some thoughts from the list on CC's options.
charlie shub
[log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
(719) 593 3492               (fax) 593-3369