The list of participants was long and ripe with history of Minnesota Hockey
history. It was a long awaited event for many in the crowd of 7,538.  The
rapt faces of the crowd as they peered over the concourse down to the ice
were many. Some were old, seasoned fans and others are relatively new Gopher
fans. Most came to see the new facility, many came to see the heroes from
bygone days of Gopher Hockey history, I came for both.
The lights were dimmed at 7:05 exactly and the spotlights and fog machines
were turned on. One by one the Alumni were announced for their respective teams
 White and Maroon. Some of the loudest cheers were for Neal Broten, Doug Woog,
and John Mayasich.  John Mayasich who played for the Gophers from 1951-1955
has school records for goals (144) and points (298) that still stand to this
The players stood on the bluelines and then representatives from all of the
championship teams were called to center ice to honor the new Maroon banners
that already hung in the rafters of the tall steel roof. The old banners were
deemed too small and fragile and will be showcased with some of the memorabilia
that will be added in the next few weeks. After the introductions, the direct
descendants of John Mariucci were introduced and his son, John Mariucci Jr
dropped the ceremonial first puck in between Neal Broten (Maroon captain) and
John Mayasich (White captain). This was followed by a brief warm-up session and
 then the first game began.
The first "game" was a 25 minute running-time extravaganza that featured the
older, more seasoned alumni. For the Maroon team: Murray McLachlan in goal,
and skaters included:Bill Butters, Pat Westrum, James McCoy, Brad Buetow, Doug
Woog, Russ Anderson, Mike Antonivich and Paul Holmgren to name a few. For the
White team: Jim Mattson in goal, and skaters: John Mayasich, Wendell Anderson
(who is a former Gov. of Minn.), Dave Brooks, Gary Gambucci, Len Lilyholm,
Frank Sanders, Murray Williamson, Wally Olds and Lou Nanne to name a few.
The Maroon team scored one goal by Tom Younghans assisted by Robbie Harris, and
 Pat Westrum.  Doug Woog missed on several close attempts to score. Reed Larson
 played in both the first and second game, as did some of the younger alumni.
The Broten brothers who were all on the Maroon team and skated on a line
together, were "saved" for the second game.
The Maroon team led the White team 1-0 at the end of the 25 minutes. Then we
were in for some real fun! The Sharpshooter Challenge, which had the top
scorers in Minnesota history squaring off in an elimination style shootout.
Participants were: John Blue and Jeff Stolp in goal;sharpshooters: Neal Broten,
 Steve Christoff, Butsy Erickson, Corey Millen, Larry Olimb, Mike Polich, Todd
Richards, Steve Ulseth and Tom Vannelli.
Round one Broten and Erickson each scored one out of two on Blue. Stolp stopped
 all shots.
Round two: Millen and Polich each score one out of one on Blue.
           Christoff and Olimb score one out of one on Stolp.
Round three: Olimb scores on Blue. Millen scores on Stolp.
Round four: Millen is stopped by Blue. Olimb scores on Stolp.
Best goalie:  John Blue     Best shooter:  Larry Olimb
Pat (the rat) Micheletti announced the shootout and had a little fun with
former teammate Corey Millen. When he was announcing Millen he told the
crowd to get out their binoculars 'cause this alum was hard to see...then he
continued, as Millen skated to center ice to say, where is he? where is he?
It was pretty funny! There was a joke that went around when they were on the
Gophers about why Woog couldn't have both Millen and Micheletti on the same
line together...they would need two pucks! ;-)
There were several absences from the planned rosters, most notably: Herb Brooks
 (?) and Robb Stauber (who was scheduled to play, but after cancelling his
wedding last week didn't have the heart to play). Also Buzz Schneider missed
the event for unknown reasons.
Game two was a 30 minute stop-time game for mostly younger alumni. The White
team included: Ron Dokken and Jeff Stolp in goal and skaters: Bill Baker,
Tim Harrer, Mike Knoke, Robb McClanahan, Todd Richards, Dave Snuggerud,
Randy Skarda, Eric Strobel, and Doug Zmolek to name a few.  The Maroon team
included: John Blue in goal and skaters: Les Auge, Scott Bjugstad, Aaron, Neal,
and Paul Broten, Tom Chorske, Ben and Peter Hankinson, David Jensen, Trent
Klatt, Corey Millen, Pat Phippen, and Tom Younghans to name a few.
This game was a blow-out, but no one cared. The crowd rose and sang and clapped
 to the Rowser each time there was a goal for either team. THAT was fun!
The big difference was John Blue in goal for the Maroon squad. Maroon goals
were scored by:Tom Chorske, Pete Hankinson, Tim Bergland (2!), Paul Broten,
Corey Millen (2!), Ken Gernander, and Butsy Erickson. White goals were scored
by Mike Knoke and Steve Ulseth (pp). Shots on goal for Maroon: 9-27=36, shots
on goal for White: 6-14=20. Final score was Maroon 10 - White 2.
It was really fun watching the alumni play as they had the BEST time out there!
 There was alot of laughing and smiling on the ice as play went on. The crowd
was into the game, although about half left before the second game was over.
Goldy Gopher came attired in formal Tails over his rodent tail. A former Goldy
 Gopher was having a "rodent signing" of his book _Gopher Hockey by the Hockey
Gopher_ on the concourse.  It's a great book, but this is the Goldy that took
off his head at the end of the season and revealed himself to the crowd....a
major no no!!
The best goal was the Broten goal which was announced as: " Broten, from Broten
 and Broten" actually Neal never touched the puck but who cared! ;-) The
brothers Hankinson combined for Peter's goal.
When the games were done all of the current 1993-94 Gophers joined all of the
Alumni on the ice for a salute to the crowd as the band played the Battle Hymn.
 If we hadn't all been SO excited, there would not have been a dry eye in the
house. It was AWESOME!! WAY COOL!!!
Now the Athletic department can play..."Can you TOP this?" and we'll see what
they can cook up for the Hall of Fame game to be played against Michigan Tech
on October 15th. Whatever happens, it's gonna be the best!
Get your tickets for the Hall of Fame game early, it's $12.00 and general
admission. What a way to wrap up the summer!!!
GO Gophers!!!
Carol S. White                            BITNET: c-whit@uminn1
University of Minnesota        internet:[log in to unmask]
Office of the Registrar
(612) 625-8517                                    GO Gophers!!!