Stephen Chopelas writes:
>In reference to the RPI-Cornell game, I didn't
>think a goal would be allowed on a delayed
>penalty call.  Obviously, the penalized team never
>controlled the puck so there was no stoppage of play.
>For some reason I thought the goal was disallowed
>in this type of situation.  Have the rules changed
>to disallow it or am I thinking of a similar situation?
Perhaps you are thinking of the general idea that a team cannot score
a goal when a delayed penalty is called against it.  It's true that
since play stops when they touch the puck, they can't actually be
involved in scoring a goal...but in this unusual situation, the
penalized team can (and did) score because the opponents put it in
their own net.  And the rule does make sense...if the opponents
blunder enough to score on themselves, no reason why they shouldn't be
penalized for it by having the goal count.
Mike Machnik           [log in to unmask]          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMN* 11/13/93
R.I.P. Reggie Lewis NU/Celtics #35