After apparently receiving many irate messages :-), Brian posted the rest of
the Team USA try-out invitees:
>off my original list I will now list the remaining 10 nominees.  My original
>post included only those hockey players who played college during the previous
>season.  Apparently this information hasn't been disseminated at much as I
>expected.  The remaining 10 with current affiliation:
>Jeff Levy (Kalamazoo)
>Brent Bilodeau (Swift Current-WHL)
>Todd Copeland (Utica-AHL)
>Ted Crowley (St. John's-AHL)
>Peter Laviolette (Binghamton-AHL)
>Mark Beaufait (Kansas City-IHL)
>Jim Campbell (Hull Olypiques-QMJHL)
>Peter Clavaglia (Rochester-AHL)
>Joe Day (Springfield-AHL)
>Justin Duberman (Cleveland-IHL)
>John Lilley (Seattle-??)
I think Beaufait is a former Northern Michigan Wildcat.  A couple other names
there sound familiar, too.  Can we come up with colleges for any of these
Pam Sweeney
Go Gophers!!!
1993 WCHA Playoff Champions!!!
26 Days until Mariucci Opens!!!