I almost hate to do this, because I haven't heard anything about it,
but I thought this might be interesting in light of the discussion we
had a month or two ago....
From rec.sport.hockey:
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From: [log in to unmask] (Mark Shneyder 2-4219)
Subject: ESPN 2 Official Announcement
Date: 6 Jun 1993 23:11:19 GMT
On Monday(6/7/93) in NYC, CapCities Inc.,owner of ABC and ESPN, will hold an
official press conference regarding the launch of ESPN 2 later this year
ESPN 2 is expected to carry 3 NHL games a week(Tuesday,Wednesday,and
Thursday); rest of its programming will be mostly MTV Sports clone.
ESPN is still expected to carry the Game of The Week(Fridays) plus
playoffs and Stanley Cup Finals Series. ESPN 2 will also carry a good
number of early rounds playoff games.
Stay Tuned,
-PPV Mark
End of forwarded material
According to this post, it appears that the new channel is being set
up mostly for hockey coverage (sorry, but I don't really count MTV
Sports as REAL programming :-) ).  I don't know about how reliable
that is, but if so, I wonder what the chances of getting some regular
season college games would be.  Do we dare hope?
Scott, planning on finding out more....