How about this?  A player is lurking at the opponent's blue line hoping for a
break and a teammate wraps a pass to him around the boards from behind his own
goal.  Technically, this is a two line pass and should be offsides.  However,
I have never seen it called.
On the same thread, what if you wrap the puck around the boards behind your
own net to a teammate who is beyond the blue line.  Is this a two line (3-line
:-)) pass and offside, or is in onside since you are only one line away from
your teammate?
I'm sorry for this.  But the long summer ahead is making me dizzy!
Tom Rowe                      INTERNET:
UWSP Dept. of Psychology      [log in to unmask]
Stevens Point, WI  54481      *****************************
341-3084                      I am in the prime of senility