Mike Machnik writes:
>over the last ten years or so, we have gradually seen more and more
>college players able to enter the NHL and make an immediate impact.
>But in the last year or two, we have had players like Juneau,
>McEachern, Drake, Hiller, Blake, Amonte, Tkachuk, etc. enter the NHL
>and within a year or two, each had become vital to his team's success.
I agree with you!  But please, please, don't forget Joe Nieuwendyk,
the star from Cornell who was the NHL rookie of the year in 1989,
(if my memory isn't failing me)  with Calgary.  Calgary also has a
good track record recently of looking to colleges for players.
Just thought I'd add that plug for the old alma mater.  :-)
- Jeff
Cornell '90
P.S.  There's also Kent Manderville from Cornell, playing for Toronto.