*** Resending note of 06/21/93 14:50
Date: 21 Jun 93 14:50:55 EDT
From:  <BWM01@ALBNYDH2>
To:    HOCKEY-L@Maine
>I would agree that both moves are encouraging. Big strong, young
>defenseman and young high powered center. Potential future stars for
>the Wings. And the added benefit of showcasing the college hockey
>system for development.
The Red Wings have always taken an interest in the stars of college hockey,
much more than other NHL teams IMHO.  Glens Falls always seems to have a couple
of kids from the colleges in their line-up, and this year is no exception
(their leading scorer was a Badger.)  And of course back in 1985 they made
those three big signings of college free agents: Ray Stayzk (sp) from Illinois-
Chicago Circle, Dale Krentz from (M-State? someone help me out) and Adam Oates
from RPI.
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