Hello again,
<<<< regarding the offsides rule.....
This is another mistake by the rules committee.
The rules are there "interference" and "offside" - all the
officials need to do is make the choice.  Wait a minute
the "new" rules that are being put into place are suppose
to tighten up this idea of interference.  Right ????
So, then the rules committee gives you the ides that its
"O.K" to interfere at the blueine - just waive off the
offside.   Crazy.
2. A few years ago at the coaches convention in Florida
at the tail end of another long (2 + hours ) of discussion
on rules, Gino Gasparini stood up and said that in his
opinion many rules are already in place for a great college
game and all the game needs is competent officials to call
what rules there are - in effect we don't need more rules ,
just better training and the people to call what they see.
Every year when the "committee" adds more it effects the
way the officials call the game for the first few weeks.
Especially after they go to their clinic at the beginning
of the season.  Then they just ignore what they have been
told and rely on the feel that they have for the game.
3. Beyond D-I hockey (D-II and III) the officials read
too many of these rule changes and it really confuses them.
4. The verdict on overtime shootout was talked about
at the convention - the experiment by H.E. and WCHA will
give some insight to this idea for all college hockey.
The opinion of some of the coaches is that it will add
5. last but not least.... on the blood issue.
It's the sensible move  - and I can't remember the
"trainer's" name that said it won't happen - it has
already in one of our games. A player had his chin
cut open and he kept bleeding on the front of his
jersey - a lot. We let him change jerseys because of
it.  In fact it was a Geneseo player - and Paul Duffy
is there coach and he's secretary of the rules committee.
anyway, keep all levels of college hockey in mind when
you see these rules - not just D-I - many schools
don't have doctors on site and some don't even bring
athletic trainers on the road.
that's long enough.............
Brian Cavanaugh
Canisius College
Bitnet: cavanaugh@canisius