The only non-scholarship schools I know of in
Div. I are the 6 Ivies, Union, SLU, and the 2 service
academies. In the ECAC, I infer that RPI,
Clarkson, UVM, and Colgate all offer
scholarships, but don't know for sure.
As far as why HE split off, I have long since given
up on ever hearing an impartial and
ideologically-neutral explanation of why it
happened. ECAC people say that the HE teams
wanted to prostitute their academic
standards; HE people say that the Ivies were
deluded enough to believe that they could force
their practices down everybody's throats. Who
knows and who cares? It has worked out well in
the end, with two strong Eastern leagues
producing some of the strongest teams in the
From diversity, strength.
Let's Go Red!