Okay, unless I miss my guess, I've seen Jason Priestly play hockey.
He's good.  Here's how: in October of 1991, there was a benefit hockey
exhibition at Lynah Rink here at Cornell.  One of the two teams consisted
of Cornell alums (not including Ken Dryden, by the way).  The other team
had some ex-NHLers on it (among them were Brad Park [I got his autograph
on **two** of his books -- I first started watching hockey when he was a
Ranger rookie), Ron Duguay, Jim Craig, Danny Gare, and a couple of others);
the rest of the team consisted of celebrities who play hockey.  Missing were
the two I **really** wanted to see (Michael J. Fox and Richard Dean "McGyver"
Anderson); present were Alan Thicke (excellent player) and Jason Priestly,
I believe.  Correct me if I'm wrong, Big Red fans, if you attended this
exhibition and didn't see ol' Jason.  He definitely came off as being a
bit "bratty," but he had the foot-speed edge on most of the other players
out there ... in fact, only Duguay (who is *still* playing for the San Diego
Gulls, I think) really appeared much faster.
        The Big Red Alumni won the game, by the way.  Most of the players
were from the '70s (including current coach Brian McCutcheon, radio color
announcer Pete Tufford [I've actually played against him and his wrist shot
is *scary*], amazing offensive defenseman Pete Shier, gunner extraordinaire
Brock Tredway (ex-LA King), and the list goes on.
                                                Dave Delchamps
                                                Cornell University
                                                Let's Go Red !!