Adam Bryant writes:
>Concerning the 'shootouts':  My guess, given the wording of the entry
>(especially the use of the word 'experiment'), is that they are
>allowing them to use them during the exhibitions to try them out.  In
>other words, this will be the experiment for this year's exhibition
>season.  Similar to the 30 minute periods they had in the past.
The WCHA doesn't have an exhibition season, with the sole exception of the
annual US Hockey Hall of Fame game.  This game generally features two WCHA
teams, but not necessarily.  A few years ago Minnesota played St Cloud in
the Hall of Fame game when St Cloud was a Div1 Independent.
If Adam's theory is right, though, it would mean there could be a shootout
in exactly one game between WCHA opponents.  Perhaps the league could be
convinced to reduce that number by one.
-- Erik
Erik Biever                                                     Ski-U-Mah!
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