From Mr. Mike Machnik's notes:
>>* Defined coincidental penalties for Rule 4-2-e and Rule 4-3-b to include
>>penalties assessed at the same stoppage of play.
>I'm not sure where this adds anything new...I am guessing it comes into
>play in situations where a delayed penalty or penalties are being called
>and after the whistle, other penalties are called.
I'm taking a stab in the dark with this, but I think this has to do with the
new rule made last year dealing with coincidental minors.  Before last year,
when coincidental minors were called, it was a four-on-four situation.  This
was also the case when two separate minors were called.  Last year, they
changed the rule so that when coincidental minors were called, it was still a
five-on-five situation.  The problem: when two separate minors are called and
assessed at the same stoppage of play, is it to be four-on-four or
five-on-five?  The new rule cleared this up calling anything assessed at the
same time, whether they were simultaneous or not, coincidental.
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**     **                               Chris Boston
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**     **    University                "Home is where your hockey team is!"
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