Shouldn't teams refrain from playing others that invest their funds in
areas that they feel are insistive to what they believe in, (i.e. Investments
in South Africa, Japan until they change their Whaling stance). In keeping
with this Faculty/Staff ratios of minorities should be examined as well
before playing.  I also think certain colors should be off-limit - "Black"
Bears, The Big "Red", The "Yellow" Jackets.
I seem to remember many years ago that the Big-Ten Football teams were
hesitant to schedule playing Southerm Teams that didn't allow Blacks to
Certain numbers and signs are also considered offensive. Teams may
consider not playing other who violate religious holidays and "Sabbath"
laws (i.e. New Hamphire (Dartmouth) still does celebrate Martin Luther
King's Birthday).
*** William Krebs
*** e-mail address = [log in to unmask]