>         Adam Oates Boston (Colgate?)
>         Joe Juneau Boston (colgate?)
Before the RPI people on the list have a heart-attack :-), I know that Juneau
played for RPI and I am 98% certain that Oates played for the 1985 RPI national
championship team.  In fact, I believe that was the year that RPI and
Minn-Duluth met during the NCAA tournament (championshhip game?) which featured
a match-up of Oates versus then-Bulldog Brett Hull.  Of course, Oates set up
Hull for a while in St. Louis before being traded to Boston.  I am pretty sure
this is correct, but sad to say, I wasn't interested in college hockey "way
back then," so I may be off.
It could happen. :-)
        *        Dave [log in to unmask]         *
        *                  Cornell '91 OSU Med '95                     *
        * I may be in debt for the rest of my life, but I get to wear  *
        *             this cool, white lab coat all the time.          *