From: [log in to unmask]
>I think that it's time for hockey-l to graduate from list status to a full-
>fledged unmoderated newsgroup.  It would be a lot less work for Wayne and
>it would allow a wider audience to receive college hockey information.  I
>think that that would help extend college hockey's appeal.  It also
>seems more efficient for each institution to keep all of the college
>hockey stuff in a single shared news group rather duplicated numerous times
>in private mailboxes.
On the contrary, I disagree. Everyone has access to sending
and receiving email. NOT everyone has access to usenet.
I dont think it's a good idea to DECREASE the access rather than
>I can only think of one objection people might have to this, and that
>is based on some people not having access to USENET news.  But I think
>there are ways to accomodate those people - perhaps by arranging for
>selected articles to be archived and made available by ftp.
Why? I don't really see any advantage gained by moving to usenet
but there are plenty of disadvantages. Besides the access thing,
there's also the attitude thing. Hockey-L has been able to maintain,
for the mos tpart, intelligent discussions. It has been mostly
devoid of the inane woofing the pervades (I am
Leaf fan hear me roar; Bruins rule the world (well that's true but...:)
I don't want hockey-L to turn into that nor do I think most list members
do. Just IMHO.
Also, wasn't the Hobey supposed to be awarded today?
On another note, how about a petition drive for more media coverage
for college hockey? Maybe we could get some petitions circulated
in some areas and have them sent to CNN ESPN, Sporting News, etc.
I mean, the LEAST they could do is read off the scores like they
do for NW Montana St vs Central Idaho type basketball games. FUrthermore,
I HONESTLY think more people care about college hockey then the
seniors golf (which gets several minutes on your typical Sportscenter
or sports tonight). Any thoughts?
    + Bri Farenell                      [log in to unmask] +
    + AHL and ECAC contact for         Go USA Hockey!   +
    + Adirondack Red Wings, Calder Cup Champs: '81  '86  '89  '92        +
    + Clarkson Hockey, ECAC Tournament Champs: '66  '91  '93             +
    + Glens Falls High Hockey, NY Division II State Champs: '90  '91     +
    + Join the AHL mailing list: [log in to unmask]         +
BTW- I wont be back until 4/11 so any email sent wont be responded to
until then.