Carol "The Button" White wrote:
>Mark Grassl wrote:
>>Oh, yeah thanks to Carol for the Hockey-L buttons, but what is that thing
>>on the players' sweater?
>I wonder HOW many people missed that small, but *very* important detail....
>Yes!  It is the now *INFAMOUS* Hockey-L Ceramic Dalmation! ;-)  :-)  ;-)
>Thanks for noticing Mark!!!
I noticed the Dalmation, too.  I was wondering how/if you were going to include
it in the design this year.  I am also assuming that the "heart" is a tribute
to the two (at least) hockey-l romances (Heather/Mike, Lisa/?? - sorry I don't
remember his name)???
Great job again this year, Carol!!!  Next year, maybe you could expand into
T-shirts, pins, and other HOCKEY-L paraphernalia, and set up a souvenir table
at the Phinal Phour to compete with NC$$ sales!!  Considering a career
change???  ;-)