I received a postcard in the mail yesterday that let me know that the 1994
Phinal Phour brochures will be mailed in SEPTEMBER 1993.
I am still collecting names and addresses (and your e-mail addresses), and
will get the list to the ticket office in a few weeks.
If you are planning on signing off (:-O) the list for the summer, please make
a note of my e-mail address. There *may* be some information that gets
announced in the summer ON THE LIST, so you may contact me directly at the
end of July and/or August for any updates I might have.
Please be patient...you will receive your brochure when the mailing is done
as long as I get your name and address! ;-)
AND, yes I still have 1993 Hockey-L buttons left so send in your SASE and $1.00
 to receive yours!!!