Watching a game and rooting for Maine is like renting a Rolls Royce
for a day; what a luxury!  I never felt that they were out of it, even
when they were behind 4-2.  The second intermission couldn't come soon
enough, though.
     I definitely underestimated LSSU's ability to control the pace of a
game with their style, even against a team as good and explosive as Maine.
The Lakers and their coach deserve a ton of credit for nearly pulling it
off; they're an excellent team.  In the end Maine seemed to have the heart
and the guns to be able to come back, not to mention outstanding coaching.
     Hopefully, there was a decent-sized TV audience for the game (if
anyone comes across any ratings numbers, I'd be interested) and folks got
to see how spectacular and emotional college hockey can be.  Perhaps this
may lead to more ESPN coverage in future years; we can only hope.  It is
unfortunate that the game had to compete against the basketball semis.
     Congratulations to both teams for a superb game!