Way to go Shawn!!!
Unfortunately i wasnt able to see the game because I had a recital this
evening, but my parents and friends were here from Maine and were dying to know
the score, so we went to a sports bar afterwards, and found out Maine
had won!!! Whew!! I really want to thank Shawn for a great season.
My dad said that on his plane from Bangor to Chicago that people asked him
if he was going to Milwaukee, and when he said no (he was coming to
Bloomington), someone said on the plane "Youre the _only_ person on this
overbooked flight that isnt going to Milaukee!". Stephen King was on that
plane, Jock McKernan was, and a ton of other famed Maine Yankees.
I am so proud of the Maine team. Ive been going to games and following them
since the program's inception in '77. Thank you Hockey-L and Wayne for
keeping me posted!! :-)
Brief reminder: Maine 5, LSSU 4, (was that in OT?)
Cheers to all of college hockey and my proud congratulations to all those
that made the tournament.
Johanna M. Wise, Indiana University School of Music
Eigenman Hall Box 643           VMS: [log in to unmask]
Bloomington, IN 47406  USA     Unix: [log in to unmask]
Call me at: +1-812-857-7964  Bitnet: jmwise@iugate
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Talking about music is like     SUN: [log in to unmask]
making love through mail. -Luciano Pavarotti