> Not Montgomery.....   KARIYA, Yes the wonder kid does it again, 97 points
> hasn't been drafted (but expected to go in the top six) and he has now
        Top six top five.  I keep hearing this and shake my head.  The guy
should go number one without a doubt.  The only reason not is the NHL's
stupid obsession with size.  Since Kariya is only about as big as Gretsky,
they wan't someone else.  Just remember this, One time the North Stars took
Brian Lawton ahead of Yzerman and LaFontaine because Lawton was bigger.
Perhaps also, the NHL doesn't realize that dominating in DIV I is every bit
as impressive as dominating in Junior A.(Perhaps the name Hrkac comes to
minds of NHL scouts instead of say Hull, Oates, Broten etc.)  Oh well,   If
this kid sticks around(Which I doubt considering the money he will be offered)
he will rewrite college hockey record books.
                                                Gary Hatfield
                                                [log in to unmask]
        "RAH! RAH! RAH! SKI U MAH! RAH! RAH! RAH!"