>Monday @ 5 pm how does this sound?  If we wait we may never pull this group
>together.  Have a great weekend.  Gary
Sorry Gary, but 5 p.m. is too late for me. I am available only between 2:30
and 3:30, then I have a pit orchestra rehearsal until 7:00. Tuesday I am
abailiabe between 2:30 and 4:30, and Wednesday I am available between 11:00
am and 4:30 pm.
I am also available Monday and Wednesday nights, but I don't think that is
good for others in the group (e.g. you.) If none of this works out, I can
give you my Thrusday & Friday schedule...
       |                  Michael Rudegeair                   |
       |             [log in to unmask]            |
       |                  [log in to unmask]                    |
       |                                                      |
       | 211 Eddy St. Apt #2 / Ithaca / New York / 14850-4613 |