From today's Bangor Daily News ...
 1. Maine (10)       100
 2. Michigan          87
 3. tie, Miami, Ohio  76
 3. tie, Boston Univ  76
 5. Minnesota-Duluth  58
 6. Lake Superior St  50
 7. Harvard           43
 8. Wisconsin         20
 9. Clarkson          15
10. tie, Minnesota    15
10. tie, RPI          13
Notes: Other teams getting points not published.
       The 9/10/10 positions and points are as published in BDN.
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
University of Maine System        internet:     [log in to unmask]
P.S.  I'll post Shrine East/West College Hockey Classic rosters later