[log in to unmask] (Mike Fessler) writes:
>I believe that the ECAC format is a three-point, not best of three, sort
>o' deal. Ties are one point, wins are two, first to three points wins.
>Thus, two ties mean a 2-2 tie necessitating a third game, and so do a
>win for each team. A tie and a win, though, makes it 3-1, yielding a
Or something like that...
I've heard both "best of 3" and "point system" in describing it. Here's the
Games 1 and 2: a team gets 2 pts for a win and 1 pt for a tie. At the end of 2
games, if one team is ahead, it advances. This means that the team won twice
or won once and tied once (4-0 or 3-1 in terms of pts.)
If there is a tie (2-2) at the end of 2 games, a 3d game is declared.
Game 3: played for 2 pts, but no ties are allowed. If the score is tied at the
end of regulation, then overtimes are played (and played and played...) until
one team scores.
And fwiw- all of the ECAC teams have been advanced for Lake Placid, except for
Colgate v. RPI, which will be decided tonight... :)
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