I've dropped a note to David Parter to let him know that I'd like
to help out with any hockey-l get-togethers in Milwaukee.  Then
it occurred to me that I have no idea how many people were able
to get tickets to the big show, in light of the record setting
speed of the sellout.
If you know that you are coming, why don't you drop a line to
Dave or myself.  Let us know when you'd probably be arriving and
leaving and where you'll be staying so we can plan good times
and places to meet.
If you hoping to follow your team as they advance to the Phinal
Phour, let us know as your plans are made so we can include you
in whatever we come up with.  Of course, Gopher fans need not
anticipate the need to make any such arrangements :) :) :).
(Not to say that that Wisconsin is a lock...anything but!)
Steve Manning         Milwaukee, WI           [log in to unmask]
      "...but you're wrong, Steve. You see, it's only Solitaire" I.A.