On Sat, 13 Mar 1993, Rich Peach WMU Broncos wrote:
> How is the big storm I have been seeing all day on the Weather Channel
> effecting the playoffs?  Will any of the games be delayed until Monday
> or later?
> Hope all of you getting the storm stay warm and safe.
There is a #$%@ load of snow falling right now - You can't see 50 feet in
front you!!  I just got back from the grocery store and I swear, people
were buying stuff like this was the Apocalypse (sp).  I think all of the
games in the area have been postponed.
Greg Bonawitz '94                        +
                                         +     "You regret the things you don't
College of Engineering & Mathematics     +      do at all more than the things
University of Vermont                    +      you do."
Burlington, VT                           +             EM, 1993
e-mail:[log in to unmask]             +