Thanks to Jeff for this, I didn't see it in the Globe...
>| "You never say no," Walsh said of the Minutemen, who will be starting
>| a Division 1 program. "I tell that to my guys and I think I've got
>| to do the same for my family. I haven't spent a lot of time on it
>| and I'm not going to worry about it. Who knows? I'm not saying I will.
>| I just don't know yet."
Just wanted to say that I don't think anyone should panic over the
possibility of him leaving Maine for he suggested in his
comments, he has entertained offers in the past but hasn't left yet.
There's still a long way to go in the process of choosing a coach at UMass,
and we should remember that he has turned down other spectacular
opportunities to stay at Maine.  From what I have heard, it sounds like the
compensation (salary) at UMass is comparable to what he's getting at Maine,
but he knows what a great situation he has there, and it would take quite a
bit to get him to leave, I'm sure.
Mike Machnik    [log in to unmask]   Color Voice of the Merrimack Warriors
(Any opinions expressed above are strictly those of the poster.)    *HMN*