David writes
"On Saturday night, Mancini was irate over something when MTU got called
for a penalty (in the second period I think). After arguing with a ref
for a long time, and pointing up at the scoreboard (I assume at the
clock), the ref skating away.  Mancini threw something on the bench and
probably said something as well, because he got an immediate
unsportsmanlike conduct penalty from the ref (who was now 10 feet
away). Did the MTU press report what that was all about?"
Mancini commented that the whistle had blown, play had stopped and
approximately 5 seconds were run off the clock in the favor of UW. The
ref agreed with Mancini that had happened but did not know what to do
about it. Then he skated away, causing Mancini to go ballistic.
From my perspective, Mark's comments about the lack of a power play and
the lack of team work seems to be accurate with regards to the Badgers
play Saturday and Sunday.
Walt Olson