> Discussing the "fairness" of the CCHA seeding scheme for UAF, Glen notes:
> >Look at the UAA seeding in the WCHA and decide whether Minn-Duluth
> >likes their situation.
> There's no doubt in my mind:  the CCHA scheme might be somewhat strange, but
> it's brilliant compared to the no-brainer decision by the WCHA to seed UAA 10th
> regardless.  I suspect Minn-D can handle the Seawolves, but IF they do get
> upset the WCHA will never hear the end of it from the town of Duluth.
You got that right.  I really think that this was the biggest screw up all
year by the league.  They should have done exactly what the CCHA did.  Even
though the Dogs swept UAA in January, they are a much better team than CC.
(Sorry Tiger fans)  But, I guess you could look at it like they will get
more of a challenge to get ready for the Final 5.
Tony Frolik                                        [log in to unmask]
                      UMD Bulldogs-WCHA Champions
 21-8-1 WCHA 23-8-1 Overall       Playoffs start 3/12/93 at the DECC
Derek Plante for Hobey Baker!!!!                         GO DOGS!!!!!!