About these Penn State messages I've been reading all season (forgive me if
this is considered a FAQ or something I should already know):
What is the ACHA, and why is Penn State in it?  It seems like they are
drastically overmatching their opposition, and perhaps a move to, say,
Div. I is in order.
While it may be fun for Penn State fans, it is certainly neither good for
the ACHA, nor (IMHO) for hockey in general to have a league where one team
is so much better than the others.
Replies via email please, unless it's something of general interest...
Eric Scheirer -- Cornell U. -- (607) 277-1899 -- [log in to unmask]
"Now *that's* a cymbal, man!  You hit that motherf---in' thing, people goan'
 *know* you hittin' it!" -- D. Gillespie, clinic with Cornell Jazz, 3/15/91