Discussing the "fairness" of the CCHA seeding scheme for UAF, Glen notes:
>Look at the UAA seeding in the WCHA and decide whether Minn-Duluth
>likes their situation.
There's no doubt in my mind:  the CCHA scheme might be somewhat strange, but
it's brilliant compared to the no-brainer decision by the WCHA to seed UAA 10th
regardless.  I suspect Minn-D can handle the Seawolves, but IF they do get
upset the WCHA will never hear the end of it from the town of Duluth.
Dr. Stephen E. Roth                                 BITNET:   ROTH@CANISIUS
Dean of Student Services
Canisius College                                     PHONE:  (716) 888-2522
Buffalo, New York 14208                                FAX:  (716) 888-2525