In a post a few weeks ago, someone said that the East should contain
4 Hockey East teams and 2 ECAC.  Judging by the outcomes of this weekend's
scores, his idea may have been worth a try.  UNH beat BU and played them
tough all year.  BU had no problems in the first round.  ULowell took BU
to OT and lost a 2 goal lead in the 3rd in another game, not to mention
playing tough against Maine.  Should there have been more HE teams in the
tourney?  What is your opinion?  With the small amount of Seniors in HE,
could next year have 3 or 4 teams in the tourney?  This weekend's scores
prove how tough a league it is!  UNH and UML should have made the tourney
just on having a .500 record against these 2 powerhouses.  These ECAC teams
with the sharp records didn't beat Maine or BU either.  So look for more than
2 temas next year!