The process for seeding UAF (somewhere between 7th and 12th) in the
12 team CCHA tournament has been set.  It's called "right of refusal".
Let's assume the standings remain as follows:
   1. Miami
   2. Michigan
   3. LSSU
  10. Notre Dame
  11. Ohio State
CCHA commish Bill Beagan will call Miami coach George Gwozdecky (sp?)
and ask him if he prefers Ohio State or UAF in the first round.  If
Gwozdecky chooses OSU, Beagan will call Michigan coach Red Berenson
and ask him if he prefers Notre Dame or UAF, etc.  This will go on
until someone chooses UAF or Ferris State (6th place) gets stuck with
Is this a fair system or does it seem bass ackwards?  It seems to me
that Beagan just didn't have the balls to reach a decision, although
that's merely speculation because I have no information as to what
went into the decision making process.
  John H
  U Mich