The following note appeared on NEW-LIST (which distributes announcements
of new discussion lists).  I thought there would be sufficient interest
on HOCKEY-L to warrant posting it here, since many of the schools
represented on HOCKEY-L are NC$$ Division II (even though their hockey
teams may play at the Division I level).
 - Garrett
- - - - - - - - - -    F o r w a r d e d   N o t e    - - - - - - - - - -
DIV-II on [log in to unmask]
   DIV-II is a forum for discussion of NCAA Division II Athletics.
   Especially encouraged are submissions of scores and highlights from
   athletic events including NCAA Division II schools.  Discussion of
   issues, problems, and concerns peculiar to NCAA Division II are
   also encouraged.
   To subscribe, send mail to:
        [log in to unmask]
   with the one-line message:
        subscribe DIV-II Your Name
   for example:
        subscribe DIV-II John Doe
   Thanks for your interest.
   Phil Haskett, List Owner  [log in to unmask]