Former Cornell defensive standout Dan Ratushny was traded Tuesday from the
Winnipeg Jets to the Vancouver Canucks for a ninth round draft choice. Dan has been
playing at Ft. Wayne this season - his numbers are nothing special. I don't know how
this move affects his chances of getting to the NHL, although Vancouver would seem a
far deeper and more talented (and more competitive) organization than Winnipeg.
But a ninth round draft choice as compensation isn't exactly a good sign.
My personal and totally biased opinion is that Dan is such a skilled, sharp, and
dedicated individual that, given a week or two at ANY level, the coach would find room
for him. He's the best player to come out of Cornell in the past decade, and last time I
checked that included a 250-or-so-career goal scorer with an unpronouncable name
captaining Calgary towards another serious Stanley Cup challenge.
Let's Go Red!