Jon Carr writes:
>University of Maine head coach Shawn Walsh announced last
>night (on a special edition of SportsAlive with Dale Duff)
>that Hobey Baker finalist Paul Kariya and twins Peter and
>Chris Ferraro will return for their sophomore seasons.
>All three will, of course, not play the entire season as
>they will most likely participate in the Olympics in
>Lilihamer Norway.  However, they should still make a
>definite and valuable contribution to the team.
You know, I wish my college would have let me take a month or two off in
January/February when I was in school!  Seriously, I thought it was absurd
when Dunham did this last year, and it's just as ridiculous now.  Come on.
Who here thinks anyone can miss two months of classes and still
(legitimately) pass them?   It's things like this that make (Peter? Chris?)
Ferraro's comment about a "hockey factory" seem pretty close to the truth.
Also, I think Taylor and the Canadian coach are stupid to let these guys do
this.  Why are they so special?