Gary writes (in part) ...
>        OK, I called Midwest Sports Channel and Here's what they told
>me.  They wan't to do the game but the NCAA won't allow it unless
>9,000 tickets are sold 24 hours prior to game time!  ...
   We all want to see at least our own teams play in the tournament, but
   let's look at the dollars for a moment.  Let's say the NCAA and/or
   arenas get $5,000 for the broadcast rights (I think it would be
   substantially less).  At $20 per ticket, that's 5000/20 = 250
   So in terms of income, TV rights are a drop in the bucket.  Ticket
   income is most important to the "success" of the tournament.  As it
   is, I understand that the Regionals will not be substantial money
   makers, but are expected to cover costs.  If anyone knows
   differently, please let us all know.
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
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