Two questions were raised on Maine that I'd like to address, maybe others
can jump in.
First, Maine, at 39-1-2, can tie the NC$$ record for most wins in a season
at 40 on Sat if they beat the winner of Minn-Clarkson.
Goalies: I didn't think Dunham played well Friday night.  I also think
Shawn was smart to pull him when he did, because otherwise, Lowell might
have won the game.  Snow has been nothing short of outstanding the whole
year long.  Maine can be vulnerable in its own end, and it's vital to their
national title hopes, I think, to have a goalie in there who has proven
he'll do the job when the game is on the line, as it was the last period
and a half against Lowell and most of the game against BU.  I don't know if
plans are to continue the goalie rotation, but I certainly would not be
surprised if it's Snow from here on out.  Even though Harvard won a
national title by rotating goalies in 1989, I am still a firm believer in
the need to have one go-to goalie down the stretch.
Kariya: He broke free for a few points against Lowell, but BU played him
closely and contained him.  His presence could work to Maine's advantage in
the tourney.  My assessment of his season is that early on, opponents had
two problems with him: 1) they were so amazed by him, they found themselves
watching him instead of defending against him; 2) they initially worked on
containing the big guns like Montgomery and didn't pay enough attention to
Kariya.  That seems to have changed lately, and in fact Montgomery, for
example, has increased his output as the season went on while Kariya's has
gone down a bit.  That's why I think his presence will help Maine: if you
shadow him, the others will break free, and if you don't contain him
effectively, he will beat you.  He also sees so much ice time, often double
shifting, that it's hard to put one guy on him.
It will be interesting...I think Maine is beatable, but it will take a near
perfect game by an opponent as well as an outstanding goaltending
performance (i.e. Gilmore last year).  They certainly do give up enough
opportunities in the course of a game, and that's why I think you need Snow
in there as the last bastion of defense.  I wasn't sold on him last year,
but I am now: he's one of the best.
Mike Machnik    [log in to unmask]   Color Voice of the Merrimack Warriors
alternate address days: [log in to unmask]             *HMN*  11/13/93
(Any opinions expressed above are strictly those of the poster.)