In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (Droopy) writes:
|> First off, I think whomever allegedly edited the ECAC Tournament mag
|> azine should be shot. Get a copy editor guys. There were dozens of
|> misspellings I noted just from casual reading. Some were innocuous
|> like Clarkson forward Sean Dubinsky (it's Steve) and references to
|> Lake Palcid. There were other more noticable errors like Clarkson
|> allegedly losing to Union (CU beat UC, 9-0 and 5-2). The most glaring
|> error was on the cover. It referred to the dates for the tournament
|> as being March 18-19, when it was actually the 19-20. Sheesh.
Also, to bring to your attention, the program states the games (on the page
with team rosters) as
        5:00 Clarkson vs. Brown
        8:00 Harvard vs. Colgate (what the heck!!!!!!!!)
I found it amusing, and a little frustrating (being an RPI fan :)
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