From one who normally just listens in (have never posted), two questions
about the NCAA's tournament policies:
(1)  I find it strange that the seeding does not seem to take into account
     the strong and weak finishes of the different teams.  For example,
     considering the late season charges of both Clarkson and Minnesota,
     wouldn't Maine be better off with BU's matchup (Harvard/N.Mich.)?
     That's not to imply Maine can't handle it, or that Harvard is not a
     fine team, but Maine will be playing a tournament champion.
(2)  Wasn't there 2 days between last year's 1st round and quarterfinal
     games?  A bye is an advantage already (and should be), but it seems
     more fair (to me) to play first round games Thursday, with quarter-
     finals on Saturday.
Just wondering....
E                                  ____                    C
T   Rick O'Donnell, Clarkson '87  // \\arkson Hocke\//     E
S   [log in to unmask]           \\  \\____ ______//      T
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