Well, in Ithaca we were lucky enough to be able to watch the title
games from both Hockey East and the ECAC (the latter on tape Sunday afternoon).
I have a comment and a question.
        Comment: Clarkson looked amazing in the finals vs. Brown.  The team
looked incredibly organzied, relentless, and balanced (both offense/defense-
wise and line-to-line).  This is one excellent team.
        Question: Okay, sorry if this sounds sacrilegious, but .... I was
**so** looking forward to being dazzled by Paul Kariya, about whom I've
been hearing incessantly for months.  Yeah, he made a couple of sweet passes,
but he didn't have that "game-breaker look" that I was expecting.  Am I
to credit BU's game plan?  Or did Kariya just have a sub-par game?
                                                Dave Delchamps
                                                Cornell University
                                                Let's Go Red !!