Also for people in the Washington DC area, channel 53 (Northern
Virginia PBS station) will be showing the following games this weekend:
tonight 3/19/93
   6:30pm  Clarkson/RPI (joined in progress)
   8:00pm  Brown/Harvard
Saturday 3/20
   5:00pm  CCHA semifinal
   8:00pm  ECAC championship
  10:30pm  CCHA semifinal (tape delay)
Sunday 3/21
   2:00pm  CCHA championship
Channel 53 is the only local station that covers college hockey
regularly.  They usually show a couple of games a month during the
regular season and this year they're covering the playoffs fairly
well.  Membership costs $35 a year and includes a monthly program
guide.  If/when you join, let them know that you want to support their
college hockey programming.  I'm not affiliated with channel 53.
Pete Kester
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