Rich Edmondson writes:
>I have a couple of rules questions that perhaps someone could answer
>for me though.  Last Friday in UAH's game with Army, the Army
>goaltender attempted to clear the puck from the UAH offensive zone and
>sent it over the glass.  I had always understood that a puck cleared
>from the rink by the goaltender was an automatic 2:00 minor for delay
>of game, but no penalty was assessed.  Any clarification?
That rule was changed two or three seasons ago.  A delay of game penalty
can be assessed at the referee's discretion; it is no longer automatic.
-- Erik
Lutefisk, Lutefisk!
Lefse, Lefse!
We're from Minnesota!
Yah, sure, YOU BETCHA!
Erik Biever                                                    GO GOPHERS!
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