I just caught a Mike Royko column off of ClariNet, and one of the sections
in it caught my eye.  I can't quote it, lest the ClariNet daemons strike
me down, but it was, in essence, talking about an obscenity tax...
specifically on "Oh, s---!"  The idea is to prevent situations where the
entire crowd at a football game all shout "Oh, s---!"  My immediate
reaction as an RPI hockey fan was "Too late!  All of Houston Field House
shouts it in unison whenever RPI takes a shot that doesn't go in, or gets a
nice setup but can't take the shot!"  Is this common at other schools?
What do other schools do?
Roger "Kazrak" Jones, Jr. is: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
"The line between good and evil, hope and despair, does not divide the world
between 'us' and 'them.'  It runs down the middle of each one of us."
                                                -Robert Fulghum